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The Honeycomb HideouT V3 Episode 9: Disability Discorse and its Lack of Representation

ALRIGHT, 'COMBIES! It's Disability Pride Month! As a podcast that puts a lot of effort into addressing diversity and issues of representation and, since the beginning of V3, we've had a discussion planned on the very topic and it finally felt like the right time to discuss this topic, and out of the crew, some of us absolutely have quite a bit to say regarding the frequent misrepresentations of people's with disabilities and how their representations in media have only just recently begun to change for the better but, like many things, still aren't where they need to be yet. So yeah, we're definitely getting deep into it this episode, so come on down and don't miss out on the conversation!

And if you want to check us out on the go, you can also find The Honeycomb Hideout on Anchor, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Pocket Casts, and Radio Public!

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