Alright, 'Combies! We're hitting you with a curve-ball this time around as we dive into the “unofficial” Avengers film, Captain America: Civil War! Despite the fact that it's a Captain America film, this movie actually has had one of the most profound effects on the team moving forward and also introduced more characters that would be pivotal in the upcoming sequels. The Avengers' world is about to get torn asunder from the outside in and the team will never be the same again! (Like my old-school comic book carnival-barking? It seemed thematically appropriate.) So come on down and join Joe, Drew, Courtney, and, old friend of the Hideout, Dana A.K.A. Cap as we reflect out the most vicious break-up in MCU history! Enjoy the wordplay on that one, folks.
And don't forget! This is an 18+ podcast. So if you're not over 18, find yo' mammy and turn this off!