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Writer's pictureImaginos Workshop

The Honeycomb Hideout Episode 60: Hella Horror Halloween Happenstance

Updated: Apr 28, 2021

Alright, 'Combies!! The Honeycomb Hideout is up and operational again! Ya boy Joe Cain is back and he's brought a few friends to celebrate this spoopiest of holidays. The ever indomitable Mark Dudley makes his return to the Hideout, so we're all in for a treat there, and long-time friend of Imaginos Workshop, Andrew Walker, is making his first appearance (likely of many) on the show. To celebrate Halloween in a way that only we can, we're tackling horror-related topics. We're talking horror movies, monsters, villains, and tropes of the genre and it winds up going in some interesting directions. So come on down and spend some time with your boys as we celebrate the kind of content that goes bump in the night and sends chills down your spine! But in a good way. ;)

To download the episode, just right-click HERE and select "Save Link As...".

Oh, and...

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